
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure

Every encounter you have with a health care professional likely involves getting your blood pressure checked. Why is blood pressure measurement such an important indicator of health? What does it mean if your blood pressure is high? High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is the force applied against the wall of the arteries as the heart pumps. High blood pressure is a silent disease, one that may not have any symptoms for months or even years. read more

Thursday, April 2, 2009



Physical Iridology

Physical Iridology


Friday, March 13, 2009

Belimbing cure diabetes

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Water is the king of all Medicine

Do you Known - Moderate food selection and eating habit.

1.Too spicy will effect the liver
2.Too sweet will effect the kidneys
3.Too sour will effect the spleen
4.Too salty will effect the heart
5.Too bitter will effect the lungs

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Law Of Success is Good Health

There was a time when human could receive the the nutrients from food and water.
Today,however our soil is so depleted and contaminated that most of us need food supplement
i became interested in alternative health because one daughter was sick (Leukemia) for many years.
i brought her to hospital,clinic and many places to get treatment for her but it fail to cure.
i studied and tried many food supplement and alternative health procedures over ten year period.

Finally.i found the answer,if you have health concerns and haven't developed serious health symptom, pleased consider the products and serves that i promote to improve and maintain good vibrant health.
its is difficult to work wealth with bad health.Being acid make you tired and irritable,i believe the first step to health is to alkalize.Seek restored health then work on wealth.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Your Eyes Reveal The Real YOU

One of the first things people notice is the eyes. We communicated through the appearance and use of our eyes.A good speaker makes frequent eye contact with his person can have an eye for beauty, while another has an eye for bargain.You will see what you are on the lookout for. Truly, the eyes are revealing.Sometimes the lips may be saying ''no, but the eyes are saying ''yes!
The eyes communicate in a special way for the iridologist, iris color,structure,and special markings are interpreted by the practitioner to attain valuable information about the patient as a whole.
iris analysis is about communication.Your body communicates with the iridologist using the iris as the vehicle of transmission.There is possibly more truth than we realize in the saying that the eye is the most complicated tissue in the whole body.


As we getting older,our body's energy needs drop, at same time demands for some nutrients increase.
Recent medical research confirms that good nutrition can prevent or at least slow,such debilitating
conditions as osteoporosis,diabetes, and heart fact,one -third to one half of the health problems of people over the age of 60 are related to diet.
Proper nutrition is an important part of any '' aging-strategy-Medical proof that food is powerful medicine.
  • Calcium-To prevent osteoporosis and maintain health bones.
  • Vitamin D- Which the body needs in order to absorb the calcium.
  • Vitamin B-To build red blood cells and maintain healthy nerves.
  • Zinc-To help compensate for lowered immunity due to aging.
  • Potassium- Especially in the presence of high blood pressure or the use of diuretic drugs.
  • Folic Acid-a B vitamin,which the body uses to make DNA and red blood cells,may also help to lower blood levels of homocysteine. a compound in the blood that has been associated with an increased risk of heart disease.
  • Fiber- To prevent constipation.
Supplements Needed.

The best Calcium 100% better than a cow milk is Coral calcium.
Iridology i 4