
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Coral Calcium Testimonials

The first use of coral in medicine is impossible to document, but it clearly began thousands of years ago. The use of mariceuticals (medicine from marine organisms) is well documented in ancient Arabic and Chinese literature, but the first specific mention of coral is found in Indian Ayurvedic Medicine, dating back some 5,000 years. Coral was first introduced as medicine to the Western World by the ninth century Arab expansion into Europe. The Persian philosopher Al-Kindi included coral in the "Medical Formulary" (830 A.D.),

which was adopted by the Arab world upon the Muslim conversion of Persia and then spread during their westward campaigns. Proof of western coral usage can be seen in a pharmacy that was established in 1685 and is still in existence and preserved as a museum in northern Spain. Among the rows of bottles on the ancient shelves is a container of coral powder with the inscription "Coral Calcium from Okinawa, Japan" and "The blond coral is the only coral used for medicine." The inscription further states that the coral has a beneficial effect upon the heart and elevates the mood of the person taking it.
In Japan, where Coral Calcium has been ingested for years, people commonly live to well over 100 years of age and are relatively free of degenerative diseases. And, millions of Okinawans who live in the southern Coral Islands near Japan experience an average life expectancy of 105 years. These proud Asian people discovered over 500 years ago that feeding coral sand (produced from the weathering of the reefs) to the chickens and cows resulted in twice as many eggs and twice as much vitamin rich milk. They also found that when coral sand is used as a fertilizer, crops increase by as much as threefold. And, when they finally began to personally consume the coral sand (16th Century),
No other mineral is capable of performing as many biological functions as is calcium. This amazing mineral provides the electrical energy for the heart to beat and for all muscle movement. It is the calcium ion that is responsible for feeding every cell. Another vital biological feature of calcium is DNA replication. This is crucial for maintaining a youthful and healthy body. DNA replication Is the basis for all body systems repair and can only occur on a substrate of calcium. Thus, low calcium means low body repair and premature aging. BUT, as important as all these and hundreds of other biological functions of calcium are to human health, none is more important than the job of pH control. Calcium to acid, is like water to a fire. Calcium quickly destroys excess acid in the body fluids. Thus, the more calcium, the more oxygen. Calcium is CRITICAL to good health, its like water and air. You must have all three every day! Calcium is involved in literally 100s of critical body functions daily. Marine coral calcium is a masterpiece of nature in that marine coral calcium becomes ionic immediately in water for absorption and use by the body. The body is simply able to utilize marine coral calcium to a much greater degree. Marine coral calcium then greatly increases the oxygen level in the body, allowing the body to rid itself of toxic waste that is continually building up. Coral Calcium has 70+ other trace minerals. Today millions of people worldwide consume coral calcium; and as a result, there are millions of medical testimonials.